Bereavement Professional

Measures of Excellence Data Submission - Did You Know?

  • 1.  Measures of Excellence Data Submission - Did You Know?

    Posted 11-07-2022 12:56 PM

    Did You Know?

    The Measures of Excellence (MOE) is a quarterly data collection tool and dashboard that tracks operational and clinical data which can be used to inform high quality care. 

    How can MOE benefit my organization?

    The MOE dashboard allows organizations to compare themselves to others for benchmarking on metrics like falls, infection rates, and medication errors.  Participants can identify performance improvement opportunities and track their improvement efforts through the quarterly dashboard updates.

    How can I learn more?

    Access to the MOE data collection tool is open to all hospice providers, while the MOE dashboard is provided as a benefit to NHPCO members or for purchase by non-members. Visit NHPCO Measures of Excellence to download the newly updated MOE User Guide and FAQs and learn more about the MOE.

    National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
    Program Coordinator, Quality