Bereavement Professional

Grief Massage Therapist for Bereavement Program

  • 1.  Grief Massage Therapist for Bereavement Program

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 09-18-2018 12:31 PM
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    Has anyone incorporated a  volunteer massage therapist that specializes in grief into their grief programs? This would be for available for the bereaved clients active in the bereavement program, not for patients/ families during hospice care.  If so, I would love to hear if it was a volunteer or contract and what type of offerings they offered (retreat, office hours, home visits). Also, what type of paperwork, consents would be needed. I am more familiar with this complimentary therapy offered for grief retreats and during hospice, but not too sure about best practice for a grief center setting for the bereavement, some of which would be families and the rest would be community. Any and all thoughts welcome.
    Liz Cumming, ATR, LMHC
    Bereavement Coordinator
    All Care Hospice
    Lynn, MA